About Us

About Us: A Journey of Passion and Purpose

The Origins of JackRighteous.com JackRighteous.com started with a simple yet ambitious idea I had: to create a series of Choose Your Destiny books centered around a character I initially called "The Righteous Ass." This idea began to take shape around 2015, during a time when I was active on Twitter and Facebook, engaging in discussions about various topics, including the unfolding American political scene.

Things took a significant turn after the passing of my first dog, Jack, who had been my loyal companion and best friend. In memory of Jack, and as a way to honor his influence, I decided to rename the project JackRighteous.com. Around this time, I was also moving into my dream home with my wife and soulmate—a period filled with joy and creativity. The original concept evolved from just storytelling to exploring other creative avenues, like developing character-inspired recipes.

The real transformation came in early 2024 with the rise of AI-generated music. Seeing the potential to bring my stories and characters to life in a new way, I launched JackRighteousMusic.com. This platform became the focal point for my creative output, using music as the primary medium to express the narratives I had long envisioned. The official relaunch of JackRighteousMusic.com is set for January 1st, 2025, when I’ll also announce the details of the debut album Holy Smokes! : The Genesys Project, featuring the first track, "Fork Inna Di Road."

Influences: A Lifelong Preoccupation with Death

My creative journey has been deeply influenced by a lifelong preoccupation with death and the concept of life after death. Growing up in an ultra-religious black Pentecostal church and a Christian home, I was constantly aware of the terrifying possibility of dying as an unrepentant sinner. This fear weighed heavily on me from my earliest memories, and I developed a fascination—and often a sense of unease—around what comes after death.

The teachings of equal judgment, where age or life experience didn’t seem to matter, left me questioning the fairness and logic of an eternity spent in perpetual reward or punishment. Even today, these concepts remain complex and unresolved for me. Now over 50 years old, I reflect on how much I have changed over the years—the person I am today is vastly different from the child who feared eternal damnation or the man I was in middle age.

Having lived a life that at times has felt like the trials of Job, I am now driven to share my story—the good, the bad, the painful, and the triumphant moments. These experiences have shaped who I am today and are at the core of the creative journey behind JackRighteous.com.

Where My Journey Began: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit

My journey began with a strong influence from three guiding forces: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. My earthly father embodied these roles for me, doing his best to raise me as a strong black man, even though my mother was white. Growing up in the 70s, race and culture were viewed very differently than they are today. Just a decade before, Sidney Poitier’s movie "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" was highly controversial, and people were still openly discussing, often in unflattering terms, the challenges of raising biracial children.

My father loved to take my sister and me on long drives, where he’d play Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, Prince, and even Queen—though he had no idea at the time about Freddie Mercury and likely wouldn’t have played it if he had known. He was the strongest man I knew—except perhaps for my mother’s father, who I believed had the strength of Samson. My father worked in a warehouse his entire life, and no matter how much I grew in strength, I could never budge him an inch.

However, it wasn’t until I began raising my own son that I realized the level of violence my father displayed wasn’t normal. As a child, I thought he was just knocking out men who were openly racist or disciplining his children. But as I had flashbacks of the physical and mental harshness he inflicted on my sister and me when we were wrong, I vowed never to be that kind of person to my own son.

Like many of you, my struggles have been real. I may be blessed like Job in many aspects of my life, but life continues to bring new challenges. Yes, I need God in my life to help guide me through these times.

The Holy Spirit: My Connection to Jah

When I refer to the Holy Spirit in my lyrics, I call Him Jah. For me, Jah is both a call out to God and His human incarnation, Jesus. This connection comes from the Rastafari movement, which has roots in North American slave culture. No matter who I thought I was praying to as a child, a young adult, or now, that Holy Spirit—Jah—is Who I call on to help me understand what is needed and to Whom I give thanks for the blessings in my life.

My Mission

Combining my years of professional expertise in emerging technologies, product development, marketing, and customer service, my mission is to bring you the tips, best practices, tools, and services that will help you share your own stories and brands with the universe.

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to learn about my journey. Your support means the world to me, and I’m grateful to have you along for this incredible ride. I invite you to explore my site to find the stories or tools that speak to you. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via the chat option—I'm here to help.

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