Mastering Vocal Diversity in SUNO: A Detailed Tutorial for Unique Sounds

Mastering Vocal Diversity in SUNO: A Detailed Tutorial for Unique Sounds

Struggling to create the perfect vocal style in your music? Discover how to break free from generic sounds and achieve unique, diverse voices with SUNO. Watch our detailed tutorial and transform your compositions today.

In this tutorial, we dive deep into the music composition software SUNO, aiming to create specific vocal sounds such as different ethnicities and genders. This article summarizes the video’s key points, making it easier for you to replicate and experiment on your own.

Introduction and Objective

Our goal is to explore how to generate specific vocal sounds using SUNO, including different ethnic and gendered voices. Previous tutorials covered various prompts and musical styles; this session combines those elements to focus on achieving distinct voices.

Experimentation Process

The tutorial begins by attempting to create a male and female ballad using generic voices. It is observed that SUNO often defaults to a generic "white-sounding" voice. The author attempts to expand into Latino and soulful black sounds, aiming to move beyond the generic options provided by SUNO.

Specific Examples and Challenges

The author writes a ballad with male and female voices named Dan and Mary. Unfortunately, SUNO fails to accurately assign the voices, swapping genders and not adhering to the intended duet format. Various techniques are tested, including using brackets and parentheses around names, to see if it affects voice recognition. Results show inconsistency in achieving the desired voices and duet structure. Sometimes it works, other times it does not.

Musical Style Adjustments

The tutorial then moves on to more soulful and blues styles, using names like Luther and Whitney. Again, SUNO struggles with voice accuracy but produces interesting music. Attempts to create Latino sounds using prompts like "Latin guitar" and "Samba" result in inaccurate representations of the intended musical style.

Conclusion and Suggestions

The author concludes that while SUNO has potential, it struggles with specific voice assignments and ethnic sounds. Viewers are encouraged to experiment and share their findings to build a better understanding of how to achieve unique voices with SUNO. For more basic tutorials on prompts and song-building, viewers are directed to other videos.

This detailed look at SUNO highlights both its strengths and areas for improvement, providing practical insights for anyone looking to create unique vocal styles in their music. Watch the full tutorial above to see these techniques in action and start experimenting with your own compositions today.

For more AI Music and Suno music compositions, check out my SUNO profile.

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