How to Craft a Spotify-Ready Song with Suno AI: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Craft a Spotify-Ready Song with Suno AI: A Step-by-Step Guide

Releasing a song on Spotify can open doors to a global audience, providing you with data insights that can shape your future work. However, achieving success on this platform isn’t as simple as uploading your track and waiting for streams. It’s essential to understand the reality of Spotify’s monetization, the impact of listener behavior, and the long-term effort required to find your audience.

The Reality of Spotify Monetization

Spotify offers a fantastic platform to share your music, but the road to monetization is steep. With the average payout per stream being between $0.003 to $0.005, you’ll need thousands of streams to see any substantial earnings. To put this into perspective, only a small percentage of artists on Spotify reach the 1,000-stream mark yearly.

Understanding Streams and Skips

For a listen to count as a stream on Spotify, the listener needs to hear at least 30 seconds of the track. However, a skip before this threshold can negatively impact your song’s potential to go viral. The first 30 seconds are crucial; if your song doesn’t grab the listener’s attention immediately, you risk losing them—and potentially many others—before they give your track a chance.

The Long Game: Success Takes Time

It’s important to remember that success on Spotify can take time—sometimes months or even years. Songs that initially seem to underperform can eventually find their audience and grow into unexpected hits. This is why it’s crucial to invest as much effort into your song’s creation as possible, ensuring it has the potential to resonate with listeners whenever it finally gets discovered.

Maximizing Your Song’s Potential with Suno AI

Step 1: Start with a Strong Opening

The intro and first verse are critical. Over 99% of the 1,000 streams you’ll need will come from people who don’t know you. If the opening isn’t strong enough, listeners won’t stick around to see if the song “gets better.” Aim for an intro that immediately hooks the listener.

Step 2: Create a Powerful Chorus

The chorus should be more than just something you like—it should encapsulate the message, tone, and feeling you want to convey to your audience. Think about your target listeners: who are they, and how will this chorus connect with them? Also, consider what visuals you can create to accompany the song, enhancing its appeal on social media.

Step 3: End Strong

A compelling ending can leave a lasting impression, encouraging listeners to replay and save your song. While this seems straightforward, crafting the perfect ending can be challenging, especially with the credit-intensive nature of Suno AI. This is where careful planning and iteration come into play.

Tips for Using Suno AI Efficiently

  1. Custom Lyrics Are Key:
    Even if you’re creating an instrumental, setting up custom lyrics gives you greater control over the song’s structure. You can dictate elements like pre-choruses, instrumental breakdowns, or background vocals to add depth. However, be aware that Suno AI doesn’t always follow instructions to the letter—it’s more like a recommendation engine, which can make this a credit-consuming task.

  2. Prepare Your Core Commands:
    Start with a basic music style prompt that focuses on the genre, lead vocals, and tone/tempo. Once you’re satisfied with the general direction, you can introduce variety commands like “Studio,” “Catchy,” “Experimental,” or “Viral” to see how they impact the sound.

  3. Focus on Vocals:
    Achieving great vocals with Suno AI can be challenging, and it often requires burning through many credits. If you’re using tools like Audacity for post-production, this can save you from needing perfection from the AI. Otherwise, be prepared for some trial and error. If the vocals aren’t perfect but are close enough, you can clean them up in post.

Pro Tips:

  • Create a Private Playlist:
    Save versions of your song that you like but need to clean up with Audacity or another tool. This way, you won’t lose your progress if you decide to refine them later.

  • Hook Development First:
    Focus on finding a strong hook in the initial draft. Use the “Build” command to start with a long instrumental if needed. Once you have a hook, you can use the upload audio feature to build a new version around it. This method allows you to refine and add complexity without burning through too many credits.

Making Your Song Spotify-Ready

To ensure your song is truly Spotify-ready, it’s crucial to dive into mixing and mastering. For beginners, I recommend using Audacity to adjust normalization, fix any clipping or unwanted noises, and use stem separation to remove any unwanted lyrics from the vocals. Once your track has been cleaned up, you can use Audacity’s mastering service to improve the overall sound.

For more advanced users, BandLab offers more options for both basic and advanced mixing and mastering, along with AI music-friendly distribution services. However, keep in mind that BandLab’s advanced features come at a higher cost.


Creating a successful song on Spotify using Suno AI is both an art and a science. The most critical strategy is to focus on finding the best hook in your initial draft. Once you have that hook, use the upload audio feature to start a new version of the song, refining and enhancing it with more complex commands and custom lyrics. This iterative process not only helps you create a more dynamic and engaging track, but also ensures that the final product is polished and ready for Spotify. Remember, a strong song needs strong post-production work—mixing, mastering, and optimizing your track will make all the difference in its success on the platform.

CTA: Ready to start your journey with Suno AI? Follow me on Suno AI to see how I craft my music and stay updated with my latest releases.

For more information on using DistroKid, click here. For a more detailed guide on using Audacity, click here.

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