Dealing with Hate as an AI Music Creator: Overcoming Gatekeeper Backlash

Dealing with Hate as an AI Music Creator: Navigating the Backlash

As AI music creators, we’re no strangers to criticism. In fact, the backlash against AI-generated music has become a harsh reality that many of us face daily. Whether it’s on Reddit or in other online communities, there’s a vocal group of people who seem to make it their mission to tear down anyone working with AI in music. These anti-AI music creators act as self-appointed gatekeepers, often aggressively attacking the legitimacy of AI-generated music. Their disdain runs so deep that they refuse to accept even widely accepted digital modifications used across many genres.

In this article, I want to explore how to navigate this backlash, drawing from a recent experience I had on Reddit, and provide some strategies on how to cope with the growing hostility in certain online spaces.

The Reddit Experience: A Lesson in Hostility

Recently, I posted about AI music creation in a popular Reddit music community, hoping to spark a thoughtful discussion. Instead, I was met with hostility and aggression from what seemed like an organized group of anti-AI music advocates. These individuals immediately dismissed the value of AI-generated music, going as far as to criticize even accepted digital practices like autotune and DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations).

Their argument is simple: AI has no place in music creation. Some even went so far as to say that using any form of AI-generated content or digital modification is lazy or inauthentic. But here’s the thing: not all communities are like this. Reddit, and similar platforms, have a variety of subcommunities—some more supportive than others. It’s important to know where you’re engaging and to be prepared for the possibility of backlash when you do.

Understanding the Gatekeepers

The anti-AI music community sees itself as the last line of defense, protecting “real” musicians from what they perceive as a threat to authentic art. However, their extreme views often go beyond rejecting AI—many of them also disdain commonly accepted digital tools used in modern music production, such as:

  • Autotune: Used widely across genres to modify pitch, yet rejected outright by many of these individuals.
  • Digital audio tools: DAWs are fundamental to nearly all contemporary music production, but some purists still argue against their use.
  • Looping and sampling: Even traditional techniques like sampling are viewed with skepticism in these circles.

They are vocal, aggressive, and often infiltrate AI music spaces just to pounce on anyone talking about distributing or monetizing AI-generated tracks. Their goal isn’t debate—it’s to shut down the conversation entirely.

How to Deal with the Hate

If you’re facing this type of hostility, here are some strategies to help you navigate the negativity while staying focused on your work:

  1. Choose Your Communities Wisely: Not all online spaces are equal in terms of support for AI music creators. Some communities are more open-minded and forward-thinking, while others, like the one I encountered on Reddit, are hostile to anything AI-related. It’s important to find and engage with communities that are supportive, collaborative, and open to innovation. Seek out groups where creators share their experiences and help each other grow, rather than tear each other down.

  2. Don’t Engage in Unwinnable Battles: Arguing with people who refuse to accept AI music or digital production tools is usually a waste of time. These individuals are often set in their beliefs, and no amount of reasoned argument will change their minds. Instead, focus on constructive conversations with those who are open to new ideas and want to explore the possibilities AI offers.

  3. Focus on Your Craft: The negativity can be draining, but it’s essential to keep working on your music. AI is just another tool—like any instrument or production software. You are still the creator, and your input determines the final product. Don’t let gatekeepers convince you otherwise. Keep experimenting, refining your craft, and pushing the boundaries of what AI music can achieve.

  4. Use Criticism to Improve (If It’s Constructive): While many anti-AI comments are purely negative, there can be nuggets of useful feedback hidden in the noise. If someone raises a legitimate point about AI music production, take it into consideration. Growth comes from reflection, and even negative feedback can sometimes lead to better results.

  5. Create Your Own Space: If you find that existing communities are too hostile or unwelcoming, create your own space. Whether it’s a Facebook group, a Discord server, or another platform, building a community of like-minded creators who are excited about AI music can be empowering. This gives you a safe environment to share ideas, collaborate, and grow without fear of hostility or negativity.

Rabid Gatekeepers: A Cultural Divide

At its core, this backlash reflects a deeper cultural divide within the music world. On one side, you have traditionalists who see AI as a threat to the authenticity of music. On the other, you have innovators who see AI as a tool to democratize music creation, making it accessible to more people and pushing the boundaries of creativity.

The rabid hostility of the gatekeepers stems from their belief that AI-generated music somehow diminishes the value of human creativity. In their view, if AI is involved, the music is automatically less “real.” This is a fundamental misunderstanding of what AI music creation is about. AI doesn’t replace the creator—it amplifies creativity, offering new ways to explore sound, structure, and expression.

Moving Forward

As AI music creators, we must understand that backlash is part of breaking new ground. The hostility from gatekeepers may seem overwhelming at times, but it’s important to remember that not all musicians feel this way. Many are curious and open to the possibilities AI offers.

At the end of the day, music is about expression, and AI is just one more tool in our creative arsenal. If we allow gatekeepers to dictate what is or isn’t legitimate music, we stifle creativity and halt innovation. Keep creating, keep exploring, and most importantly, keep pushing forward. The future of music is unwritten, and AI is a part of that future.


Dealing with hate as an AI music creator isn’t easy, but it’s crucial to stay focused on your passion and craft. The angry gatekeepers may be vocal, but they don’t define the future of music. By choosing the right communities, ignoring unproductive negativity, and continuing to refine your art, you can thrive despite the backlash.

Innovation always meets resistance, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Keep creating, and let the music speak for itself.

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