Can You Monetize Suno AI Music on YouTube? Here's What You Need to Know

Can You Monetize Suno AI Music on YouTube? Here's What You Need to Know

Can You Monetize Suno AI Music on YouTube? Here's What You Need to Know

Recently, a Suno AI user raised a common question about monetizing AI-generated music on YouTube while using the free plan. Here’s a breakdown of the key points and what you need to know about Suno AI's terms of service (TOS) and copyright laws.

The User’s Scenario

A Suno user shared their experience:

  • Using Suno AI to create music by generating new styles from existing song lyrics.
  • Uploading these tracks to their YouTube channel, attributing Suno AI in all videos.
  • Questioning if they can monetize these videos via YouTube ads, given the content is creatively altered and attributed.

Understanding Suno AI’s Terms of Service

Personal Use: The free plan for Suno AI is strictly for non-commercial, personal use only. This means you can create and enjoy music privately without monetizing it. Suno retains ownership of the generated music under the free plan.

Commercial Use: Monetizing content, even on platforms like YouTube, requires a paid subscription. This falls under commercial use, as it involves earning revenue through ads and views. Paying Suno subscribers are permitted to own the sound recordings, as long as they comply with the terms of service.

Key Points to Consider

  1. Copyright Concerns: Using lyrics from popular songs can lead to copyright issues. Even if the music is AI-generated, the original lyrics are protected by copyright laws. Uploading such content without proper licenses can result in copyright strikes or legal action.
  2. Legal Risks of Cover Songs: If you insist on using copyrighted lyrics, you must follow proper procedures for creating a cover song. This includes obtaining a mechanical license for the song. Failure to do so can result in significant legal consequences, including lawsuits for copyright infringement.
  3. Investment in Music Creation: Creating a successful, revenue-generating song requires substantial time and investment. The revenue from streams and downloads may not justify the risks of legal action for unlicensed use of copyrighted material.


  1. Upgrade Your Plan: If you intend to monetize your AI-generated music, consider upgrading to a paid Suno AI plan. This ensures you are within legal and TOS boundaries.
  2. Create Original Content: Develop your own lyrics or obtain proper licenses for any lyrics used to avoid copyright infringement.
  3. Understand Legal Risks: Being new to the music industry is not an excuse for overlooking legal requirements. The risks of legal action for copyright infringement are significant and can outweigh potential revenue.

Join the Discussion!

Follow my journey with Suno AI here and share your Suno profile URLs in the comments. For more tips, check out my Comprehensive Suno AI Guide here. Let’s navigate the exciting world of AI music together!

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