How I Made $2 with AI Music in 4 Months: Tips From Lessons Learned

How I Made $2 with AI Music in 4 Months

How I Made $2 with AI Music in 4 Months

I have always dreamed of breaking into the music industry but lacked the musical talent to do so. My career in the entertainment business and my primary job kept me busy, leaving little time to pursue music. Over the years, I tried various AI music apps but was never satisfied with the output, and those that were "good enough" couldn't pass copyright protections on platforms I tried. That changed with Suno V2 in February 2024.

Discovering Suno AI:
In February 2024, I discovered Suno AI V2 and started with the Pro plan. Impressed by the results, I upgraded to the Premier plan in March. Suno AI's ability to generate high-quality, copyright-compliant music was a game-changer for me.

Creating and Uploading Music:
Using Suno AI, I created over 100 tracks quickly, experimenting with various genres. The platform's high-quality instrumental tracks and cohesive melodies were invaluable in creating professional-sounding music. My favorite tracks were sent to Spotify, showcasing my progress in developing a unique sound and style.

First Release: Coffee Shop Romance:
My first release on Spotify was "Coffee Shop Romance," an attempt at creating a mainstream hit. You can listen to it here. This track was a learning experience, helping me understand the intricacies of music production and distribution.

I used DistroKid for distributing my music. DistroKid made it easy to get my tracks on Spotify and other major platforms quickly. Their user-friendly interface and efficient distribution process were crucial in my early releases.

As a Next Pro subscriber on SoundCloud, I attempted to use their distribution services but was informed that they would not allow 100% AI-generated music to be distributed on their platform at that time. This was a setback, but I continued to use SoundCloud for streaming and promotion.

Monetization Mistake:
The mistake I made was not fully utilizing SoundCloud's monetization features. I didn't continue to adjust my track settings, missing out on monetizing the streams I was getting. Despite generating almost 70,000 streams in June, most were not monetized due to this oversight. However, I corrected this error in July, and I expect to see additional revenue before the end of the year.

1. Streaming Revenue:
As of August 1, 2024, my earnings from DistroKid were 77 cents, and SoundCloud revenue was 51 cents, totaling $1.28. Although modest, these earnings reflect the potential of AI music creation.

Looking Ahead:
I have only just begun digging into "Direct To Consumer" options like BandLab, BandCamp, and of course, my site It has taken a few months for me to complete the makeover for as I gear it towards, and finally, the algorithm gods are responding. Direct sales through these platforms have started to contribute to my earnings. Direct sales often offer a higher percentage of the revenue compared to streaming platforms.

Challenges and Lessons Learned:
1. Market Saturation:
Standing out in a saturated market was challenging. Continuous promotion and leveraging the unique aspects of AI-generated music helped increase visibility.

2. Monetization Mistake on SoundCloud:
My failure to fully monetize streams on SoundCloud was a significant learning experience. It's crucial to understand and correctly set up monetization options on all platforms.

Professional-Sounding but Needs Mastering:
While Suno AI provides professional-sounding elements, the actual quality of professional mastering is still very much lacking. This is where I have begun doing deeper dives with my Suno tracks, and I will be posting my successes and failures along the way. Achieving truly professional-quality tracks requires additional mastering and tweaking beyond what the AI provides.

Earning $2 in the first four months may seem modest, but it represents the potential of AI music creation. With dedication, strategic promotion, and leveraging Suno AI's advanced features, independent artists can gradually increase their earnings and establish a presence in the music industry. My journey is just beginning, and I look forward to exploring more ways to grow my revenue and share my music with a wider audience.

Follow My Journey:
- Spotify: Explore my tracks and follow my progress on Spotify.
- SoundCloud: Follow me on SoundCloud to stay updated with my latest releases.
- Suno Profile: Check out my work and connect with me on Suno.

Join the Discussion:
I invite you to share your experiences and insights in the comments below. If you're serious about developing your Suno AI music, join my private Facebook Group here. Let's learn and grow together in this exciting journey of AI music creation.

Promoting My Suno AI Tags and Prompt Guide:
To help you get the most out of your AI music creation, I am offering a comprehensive Suno AI Tags and Prompt Guide for sale as a digital download. This guide is best used in combination with tools like ChatGPT to optimize your music prompts and enhance your creative process. Using a detailed guide like this can streamline your workflow, providing you with a solid foundation to generate high-quality music faster and more efficiently.

For more detailed information on using Suno AI and maximizing your music's potential, visit their official website and check out reviews and guides from sources like TechRadar and AI Parabellum.

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