Crafting Your AI Music: Initial 4-Week Release Strategy

Why This Strategy Works: A Creative and Branding Process to "Rage! Let Your Creation Free"

This four-week strategy is designed to help you refine your music and begin a lasting connection with your audience, moving away from the idea of releasing a track and hoping for an instant viral hit. Instead, it allows you to work, rework, and craft music that resonates with your intended listeners. If you think your song is great now, just wait—this process will help you make it even better by gathering feedback, engaging with your community, and making targeted improvements.

One of the biggest mistakes AI music creators make is focusing too much on releasing high volumes of content, which can lead to songs being buried under new material. This strategy ensures you test multiple versions of your song across different platforms, building anticipation while also giving you enough time to fall out of self-love with the track. This gives you the space to reflect on whether the track is truly worth the push for promotion on platforms like Spotify and YouTube.

Level Definitions: Where to Release Your Music

  • Month 1 (Your Playground): These are informal platforms such as Reddit (AI subreddits), SoundCloud, Facebook Groups, and X (Twitter). These platforms are ideal for testing rough versions, gathering feedback, and engaging with smaller communities. The goal is to start conversations with listeners and other creators, getting critiques from those familiar with your genre and style. These platforms have specialized communities that see a high volume of low quality entries. 

  • Month 2 (Your Workspace): As you move to polished platforms like TikTok (verified account if you have one), Instagram, and YouTube Shorts, presentation becomes crucial. Here, you’ll need official cover art, videos, and a more professional touch. This phase focuses on building a broader audience while maintaining the momentum you've built in your playground. H

  • Month 3 (Your Prime Space): This is where you release your best work on platforms like Spotify and YouTube. By now, the track should be fully mastered, the cover art finalized, and the presentation ready to match your audience’s expectations. This is your professional space for promotion, playlist placements, and long-term growth. If you have your due diligence, you will have some compelling growth and a solid story to pitch to the spotify playlist curators. 

I don't want to assume that as a reader you understand that this is by no means an assurance towards viral success. In fact, it could be a very humbling experience, and honestly will be for a good percentage of you. What it will do is begin to make you stand apart from the crowd and be noticed, even if only by a small group. You need to spend up to 1 hour per day on the social media channels you are using and authentically listen, like and comment on other similar music or artists. Ya gotta grind! 

Week-by-Week Breakdown for "Rage! Let Your Creation Free"

So many ask the question: I know I should be posting my tracks often if I want them to grow, but what do I post? 15-30 pieces of content is a lot of ideas to come up. Fact is, you don't have to follow it exactly, BUT you do have to follow it consistently. You can adjust as you need to, I am providing the bare minimum required so that you are not needlessly overwhelmed. 

Each week, you will release three different versions of your song across multiple platforms, ensuring to engage with your audience and collect feedback. The versions could feature different genres, alternate endings, or variations like instrumental, main, or extended versions. You’ll post them three times a week, reusing content where possible while adjusting for platform requirements (e.g., MP3, WAV, or MP4 video).

Week 1: Release 3 Versions with Basic Cover Art

In Week 1, you will release three versions of your song, paired with basic cover art. The idea here is to test different versions and gather initial feedback.

  • Monday: Release the instrumental version with basic cover art. This lets listeners focus on the structure, melody, and arrangement.

  • Wednesday: Post an alternate or extended version—this could be a different genre, extended outro, or alternate ending.

  • Friday: Share the main version of the song, which is closest to the final version you’ll release.


  • Level 1 (Playground): Reddit (AI subreddits), SoundCloud, Facebook Groups, X (Twitter)

Engaging with Your Audience:

  • Collect feedback from listeners on platforms like Reddit or SoundCloud. Focus on identifying common critiques, especially those that align with elements you were already questioning.
  • Don’t rush to make changes unless several people highlight the same issues. This prevents you from overcorrecting.


  • Format Options: Post as MP3, WAV, or MP4 video. Use static visuals or simple animations for video versions.

  • Image Tips: Make sure your basic cover art reflects the mood and tone of the song, even if it’s not the final version.

Week 2: Re-release with Official Cover Art

In Week 2, you’ll re-release the same three versions but with official cover art. This week is about refining the presentation.

  • Monday: Post the instrumental version with the official cover art.

  • Wednesday: Share the extended version again, this time with the official visuals.

  • Friday: Release the main version of the song, now with the polished cover art.


  • Level 1 (Playground): Reddit, SoundCloud, X (Twitter)
  • Level 2 (Workspace): TikTok, Instagram, YouTube Shorts

Engaging with Your Audience:

  • Continue to seek feedback, now with an emphasis on visual presentation. Does the cover art resonate with the track? Are listeners connecting more now that the visuals are more professional?


  • Format Options: Post as MP3, WAV, or MP4 video with more dynamic visuals for the videos.

  • Image Tips: The official cover art should be consistent across platforms and aligned with your song’s overall brand.

Week 3: Custom 30-Second Hook Videos

This week is dedicated to creating short-form content that highlights your song’s most engaging parts. You’ll post 30-second hook videos designed to capture attention and encourage replays on platforms like TikTok.

  • Monday: Post a 30-second teaser featuring the instrumental version or an interesting section of the song.

  • Wednesday: Release a 15-second video with the song’s strongest hook. Ensure the video starts powerfully and loops smoothly.

  • Friday: Share a 30-second video for the main version, using visuals that align with the song’s theme.


  • Level 2 (Workspace): TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts

Engaging with Your Audience:

  • Pay attention to engagement metrics. What’s being shared? Are viewers commenting or replaying certain parts of the video?


  • Format Options: Use MP4 video, with strong visuals that enhance the hook.

  • Image Tips: Be consistent with branding while adding dynamic visual storytelling that matches the song’s energy.

Week 4: Prepping for Phase 1 Release

In Week 4, it’s time to finalize all assets for a major release on platforms like Spotify and YouTube. This includes a lyrics video, a final hook video, and short teaser clips.

  • Monday: Release a 4-second teaser clip with the strongest sound bite of the song.

  • Wednesday: Post the main 15-second hook video again to generate excitement for the full release.

  • Friday: Drop the full lyrics video on YouTube with the final cover art.


  • Level 3 (Prime Space): Spotify, YouTube (Full Track)

Engaging with Your Audience:

  • Build up anticipation for the final release. Promote your upcoming drop on social media, engage with comments, and encourage followers to share.


  • Format Options: Post the final version as MP3 or WAV on Spotify, and the lyrics video as an MP4 on YouTube.

  • Image Tips: Ensure your cover art is finalized and consistent across platforms.

Why This Strategy Works

This process gives you time to test and refine your song, engage with your community, and build anticipation for the final release. By using feedback and taking a methodical approach, you ensure that your song can be ready for release on Spotify and YouTube, while also building lasting relationships with your audience.

This strategy is designed to help you create music that stands out, engages your audience, and is ready to thrive on major platforms.

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