January 6th: Trump’s Role, the Capitol Breach, and Biblical Implications

The Day of the Riots: January 6th, 2021

Morning: The "Stop the Steal" Rally

Donald Trump addressed thousands of supporters gathered at the Ellipse near the White House for the "Stop the Steal" rally around 11:58 AM ET. Trump’s speech was the culmination of weeks of false claims about the 2020 election being stolen from him, and he urged his supporters to fight against what he described as a corrupt system. His rhetoric during the rally was highly charged and culminated with a direct call to action:

  • Trump’s speech included:
    • "We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore."
    • Trump encouraged the crowd to march to the Capitol to "peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."

At this point, tensions were already high, but there was no direct violence occurring. The crowd, however, was deeply inflamed by Trump’s repeated insistence that the election was fraudulent, setting the stage for what would unfold in the coming hours.

1:00 PM ET: Congress Convenes to Certify the Electoral College

At 1:00 PM, the House of Representatives and the Senate convened for a joint session of Congress to certify Joe Biden's Electoral College victory. Vice President Mike Pence, who had already privately rejected Trump's pleas to overturn the results, was presiding over the session in his constitutional role.

Around this same time, groups of Trump supporters began making their way from the rally site to the Capitol. As they approached the Capitol building, law enforcement officers had set up barriers to prevent access, but the size and aggression of the crowd were beginning to intensify.

1:10 PM ET: First Breach of Barriers

At 1:10 PM, the first significant breach occurred when rioters overwhelmed Capitol Police officers on the west side of the Capitol. They forced their way through metal barricades and advanced toward the Capitol steps. The situation escalated rapidly as more rioters joined in, pushing past the small number of Capitol Police officers who were initially stationed outside.

Jack Smith’s indictment highlights that, by this time, there was already advance coordination by some of the key tactical groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, who had planned to breach the Capitol as part of a broader effort to stop the certification process.

1:30 PM ET: Capitol Police Call for Backup

By 1:30 PM, the number of rioters had swelled, and the Capitol Police were clearly outnumbered. Officers began calling for backup, reporting that the crowd was becoming uncontrollable and that they needed reinforcements to prevent a full breach of the Capitol building.

According to reports, the D.C. Metropolitan Police were among the first reinforcements called, but additional support from federal agencies was delayed.

1:50 PM ET: The Capitol is Breached

At 1:50 PM, the rioters broke through multiple police lines and entered the Capitol building. This was the moment when the insurrection reached a critical stage. Armed members of the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, dressed in tactical gear, were at the forefront of the breach. Video footage shows these groups coordinating their movements as they stormed into the building, entering through shattered windows and forced doors.

At this point, reports of violence were coming in, with rioters clashing with officers inside the Capitol building. Capitol Police were overwhelmed, and additional law enforcement, including riot police, were being pulled into the crowd, some physically dragged into the mob.

2:00 PM ET: Reports of Violence Intensify

By 2:00 PM, violence inside the Capitol had intensified. Vice President Mike Pence was rushed to safety by the Secret Service, narrowly avoiding rioters who were chanting, "Hang Mike Pence." Inside the Capitol, rioters ransacked offices, broke into the Senate chamber, and violently confronted police officers.

The DC National Guard had still not been fully mobilized at this point. Calls for additional help were made, but there were delays in deploying the necessary reinforcements. The Pentagon later revealed that there was a hesitancy to immediately deploy the National Guard, as top officials debated how to respond.

2:24 PM ET: Trump Tweets About Pence

As the chaos unfolded inside the Capitol, Trump tweeted at 2:24 PM:

  • Trump’s tweet read:
    "Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution."

This tweet is significant because, at the very moment when rioters were threatening Pence’s life, Trump was still publicly pressuring him and fanning the flames of the crowd’s anger. Reports from Smith’s indictment show that Trump was informed of the breach but continued to stoke resentment toward Pence.

2:30 PM ET: Capitol Police and Law Enforcement Overrun

By 2:30 PM, law enforcement officers, including the Capitol Police, were completely overrun. Officers were being pulled into the mob, some beaten with flagpoles and other objects. A significant number of injuries were reported among the officers, who were desperately trying to hold the line.

Inside the Capitol, the rioters breached more secure areas, including offices and chambers. The level of violence had escalated dramatically by this point, with windows smashed and rioters roaming freely through the halls.

2:44 PM ET: A Rioter is Shot Inside the Capitol

At 2:44 PM, Ashli Babbitt, one of the rioters attempting to breach a secure area near the House chamber, was shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer. Babbitt had been trying to climb through a broken window leading to a barricaded door when she was shot. This was the first reported death inside the Capitol building during the riot.

3:00 PM ET: Urgent Calls for Reinforcements Continue

By 3:00 PM, urgent calls for reinforcements continued. The DC National Guard was only just starting to mobilize, but there were still delays in getting significant reinforcements to the Capitol. Reports from Jack Smith’s indictment and further investigations indicate that there were delays in approval at various levels, and no immediate order was given to fully deploy the National Guard.

Throughout this time, Trump remained largely silent aside from his earlier tweet about Pence, continuing to watch the events unfold on television from the White House.

4:17 PM ET: Trump Finally Calls for Dispersal

It wasn’t until 4:17 PM, after hours of violence and chaos, that Trump finally released a video message calling on the rioters to leave the Capitol and go home. In the video, Trump reiterated false claims about the election being stolen but added:

  • Trump said:
    "I know your pain, I know you’re hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us… but you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order."

This message came too late for many, as the damage had already been done. The rioters, many of whom viewed Trump as their leader, had already caused immense destruction, and the certification of the election had been delayed by hours.

Evening and Aftermath: Order Restored

By the evening, law enforcement finally regained control of the Capitol. The National Guard had arrived, and a perimeter was established. Congress reconvened later that night and officially certified Joe Biden’s victory in the early hours of January 7, 2021.

In the days that followed, several rioters were arrested, and investigations began into the planning and coordination of the attack. Many of the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and other individuals involved in the breach were later convicted, including for seditious conspiracy.

Conclusion: The Day the Capitol Fell

The events of January 6th mark one of the darkest days in recent American history. As we’ve seen from the details of Jack Smith’s indictment, this was not just a spontaneous riot—it was the culmination of weeks of misinformation, pressure on elected officials, and the actions of armed groups emboldened by Trump's rhetoric.

The events of that day, combined with Trump’s tweets, his delayed response, and the involvement of organized tactical groups, leave a legacy of violence and division that still reverberates. As we move forward, understanding the legal and spiritual implications of these events is crucial.

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