Enhance AI Music with Audacity: Step-by-Step Audio Normalization Guide

How to Normalize Audio in Audacity Before Click Removal

Normalization is a process that adjusts the overall volume of your audio to a standard level, ensuring consistency across the track. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you normalize your WAV files in Audacity before proceeding with click removal.

Step 1: Import Your WAV File

  1. Open Audacity.
  2. Import the WAV file from Suno AI by going to File > Import > Audio and selecting your file.

Step 2: Select the Audio

  1. Select the entire track by clicking anywhere on the waveform and pressing Ctrl + A (Windows) or Cmd + A (Mac). This ensures the normalization process applies to the entire audio file.

Step 3: Apply Normalization

  1. Go to Effect > Normalize....
  2. Set the normalization parameters:
    • Normalize peak amplitude to: Set this to -1.0 dB to leave a little headroom and avoid clipping.
    • Remove DC offset: Check this box to correct any potential offset in the audio, which could cause issues with the track’s balance.
    • Normalize stereo channels independently: Leave this unchecked if you want to maintain the relative balance between the left and right channels (recommended for most music tracks).
  3. Click OK to apply normalization.

Step 4: Review the Audio

  1. Play back the audio to ensure that the volume is consistent and that the overall level is within the desired range.
  2. If the audio sounds balanced, you’re ready to move on to click removal.

Step 5: Proceed with Click Removal

  • Now that your audio is normalized, you can follow the click removal process we discussed earlier to clean up any unwanted clicks or pops.

Why Normalize Before Click Removal?

Normalization ensures that your audio levels are consistent, making any clicks or pops more apparent and easier to remove. It also sets a solid foundation for further processing, ensuring that your track sounds balanced from the start.

By normalizing first, you're improving the clarity and precision of subsequent edits, making your workflow more efficient and your final track more polished.

What’s Next?

Now that your audio is normalized, it’s time to tackle any clicks or pops that might still be lingering. In the next part of our series, we’ll guide you through the click removal process in Audacity to ensure your AI music tracks sound clean and professional. Ready to refine your audio quality? Click here to continue to Part 2.

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