Israel’s Restoration: A Sign of Jesus’s Return and Modern Prophecy

1. Why I'm Sharing This with You:

Hi, I’m Gary Whittaker, and you might know me as the voice behind Jack Righteous. I use the name Jack Righteous in my music and creative work, but here, I’m speaking to you directly as Gary. There’s a lot I want to share, and it’s important that I do so from a place of truth-seeking and deep exploration—not just repeating what’s been said before.

One of the key voices that guides my creative journey is Jack Righteous, who, in spirit, sees himself as the donkey who spoke to Balaam in the Bible. But don’t get it twisted—this isn’t just about biblical stories. Jack believes in one thing above all: data over dogma. He’s always reminding me of the African proverb: “The wise create proverbs for fools to learn, not to repeat.” That means questioning everything and seeking a deeper understanding of the world around us.

I’m not here to preach, ask for repentance, or save anyone. That’s not what this is about. In fact, if you’d met me in the first half of my life, you’d have seen someone who was a creationist, anti-abortionist, and anti-LGBTQ. I believed that was what following God looked like. But here’s the thing: learning God's love is a process, and it doesn’t always come quickly or easily. I had to grow out of rigid beliefs that were based more on fear and dogma than on love.

It took time—and plenty of mistakes—for me to realize that God's love is much bigger than the walls I had built around it. Now, I see that love is about so much more than judgment. It's about teaching you to love yourself enough to find your truth and love others enough to let them live theirs. That, to me, is the heart of what Jesus meant when He gave His greatest commandments: Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.

2. The Re-establishment of Israel: A Truly Rare Occurrence

Let’s start with something Jack can’t stop braying about: Israel’s re-establishment in 1948. This isn’t just another event in history—it’s one of the most remarkable occurrences of our time. Think about it: no other nation has been displaced for nearly 2,000 years and then come back to life like Israel did. There’s no historical precedent for a people scattered across the globe, surviving exile, oppression, and wars, only to return to their original homeland after millennia.

To put it in Jack’s words, “However long the night, the dawn will break.” Nations disappear, but Israel, against all odds, came back not once, not twice, but three times.

  • First time: The nation of Israel was first established around 1000 B.C. under King David and Solomon.
  • Second time: After the Babylonian exile in 586 B.C., the Jewish people came back to rebuild Jerusalem.
  • Third time: In 1948, the Jewish people returned to their homeland after nearly 2,000 years of being scattered.

This isn’t just about politics or borders. The 1948 re-establishment was the ultimate fulfillment of prophecies. But we’re not here to tell anyone to prepare for the end or preach fire and brimstone. Instead, let’s take a real look at what this means for us today. As the African proverb goes, “The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth.” If we stay locked in dogma, we’ll miss the bigger picture.

3. Daniel’s Prophecy: Why 1948 Matters Now, Not Just Then

So why does 1948 matter today? Let’s talk about Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27). Jack is a fan of numbers, and this one’s loaded with meaning. Here’s the core takeaway: 69 weeks (483 years) were fulfilled before Jesus came, and then everything paused. The final 70th week—the last 7 years—hasn’t happened yet. That’s what’s often referred to as the Great Tribulation.

But here’s where it gets important: For nearly 2,000 years, the nation of Israel didn’t exist. The prophetic clock was stopped, because Israel had no land. It wasn’t until 1948—when Israel was re-established—that the prophetic timeline restarted. And as the African saying goes, “Rain does not fall on one roof alone.” What happens with Israel has global significance.

1948 isn’t just a random year. It’s a key prophetic marker. It signaled the restart of the prophetic clock, and what comes next depends on how we understand the current global landscape. This isn’t about fear or judgment; this is about looking at where we are, understanding the facts, and realizing how connected we are to what happens next.

4. Why It Matters Now: The Power of Connection

Here’s the part I’m most excited about: We live in a time when good people from all around the world can connect in ways that were never possible before. Technology is bringing us closer together. Information flows faster than ever. For the first time, we have the ability to connect across borders, cultures, and languages, and that opens up a whole new world of possibilities.

Jack likes to remind me of the saying: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” And in today’s world, that couldn’t be more relevant. Jesus’s message was about connection—about learning how to love yourself enough to live in your truth and love others enough to let them live theirs. The more we connect, the more we realize we’re all part of a shared story.

The re-establishment of Israel isn’t just a historical event from 1948. It’s part of a global narrative that involves all of us. With all the advancements in technology and communication, we now have the power to make miracles happen. This isn’t about doom and gloom; it’s about embracing the possibilities that are here, right now.

Jack doesn’t see the return of Jesus as something distant or mystical—it’s a real possibility when we come together and realize the potential of love, truth, and connection. “The axe forgets, but the tree remembers.” What we do today, how we connect and love, will shape the future.

5. Where You Can Double-Check the Prophecies

If you want to dive into the data for yourself, here’s where you can look. These aren’t just ideas pulled from the air. These are prophecies that have been in the Bible for thousands of years:

  • Daniel 9:24-27: The prophecy of 70 weeks that sets the timeline for the events surrounding Israel and the Messiah.
  • Ezekiel 37: The vision of the dry bones coming back to life, symbolizing Israel being restored after being scattered—fulfilled in 1948.
  • Isaiah 66:8: “Can a country be born in a day?” Israel’s re-establishment in 1948 happened almost overnight, fulfilling this prophecy.
  • Daniel 12:4: The increase of knowledge and speed in the end times, which reflects the technological advancements we’re seeing today.

6. Wrapping It Up: Building the Future Together

So, here’s the bottom line: Israel’s restoration in 1948 wasn’t just a historical event—it’s a signpost, a data point that tells us something bigger is happening. But this isn’t about fear or judgment. It’s about hope. With the world connected in ways we’ve never seen before, the potential for miracles is greater than ever.

Jack and I aren’t here to tell you to change your beliefs or that you need to be saved. It’s about loving yourself enough to find your truth and loving others enough to let them live theirs. As the African proverb says, “The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose, and it will defend itself.” We now have the tools to live that truth on a global scale.

What’s next? For me, I’m working on getting the soundtrack ready for the Book of Life. I can see how Jesus can return—not as some distant fantasy, but as something we’re building toward right now. And with the power of connection, there’s no limit to what we can achieve together.

“Many hands make light work.” Together, we can write a new chapter in this story.

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